Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Baby Zachary, 3 months

I spent Saturday morning with one of my best friends Mandi and her son Zachary. Zach is 3 months old and the sweetest little guy! I love that huge smile, he is "baby talking" now and just growing like crazy. Thanks Mandi for allowing me to capture the memories for you...and for lunch! Love you Z!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Fun at the Lake!

Last Tuesday, I headed out to the lake to hang out with Will, Charlie, Jaime, & Bryan. We did some fun laid back pictures, hopefully describing the mood. It is a beautiful home that I am sure will hold many memories as the little ones grow up. Thanks as always for having me out!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Beautiful Blue Eyed Jack, 6 months

My sweet nephew has the most beautiful blue eyes! Jack is growing everyday and I love spending time singing, reading, and laughing with him. He is just perfect and in this 6 month session I tried to capture some of those adorable baby parts. Happy 1/2 Birthday Sweetie! Love, Aunt E

Jack and His Family

Last Sunday I headed over to my nephew's house to get his 6 month family session in before naptime. Well, we didn't exactly make the deadline...therefore, more to come at month 7. Jack is absolutely adored by his parents which is evident in these images. I am not sure who is more blessed in this family. Thanks as always Leslie & Sean for allowing me to capture your family.